Speaking about science
Stephanie Ryan’s compelling approach to science education reinforces her progressive teaching methods, which she leverages to inspire parents to introduce their kids to science at a young age. She takes every opportunity to educate others on how science is everywhere and that you don’t need to be a scientist to learn about science.
Science is everywhere! @let’slearnaboutscience is all about learning science at home, even if you’re a non-scientist. Teaching your kids STEM activities can get them excited about science. Our resources help parents to teach their kids about science around them because science is for everyone to learn about and enjoy.
Lets learn about science
Use ingredients found within your own kitchen to teach your kids STEM activities and learn alongside them as they explore their world. Take the resources presented in the blogs to create a science-learning haven in your home, where science can be found at every turn. Find worksheets and learn more about Let’s Learn About Chemistry to supplement your child’s education